- B.S. in Biology, Northeastern University, 2008
- Ph.D in Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018
Honors and activities
Dean’s List, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Northeastern University Achievement Award, Member of the Biology Club, ESOL tutor
Graduate school:
Presidential Scholar, Leadership Fellow, Grand Challenges Facilitator, REU student mentor and trip leader, Microbiome outreach event at Laurel Ridge Elementary School, Science fair judge at Tooman Elementary School, Honorable mention for NSFGRFP
Served on the review committee for the College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Fellowships, reviewer for Coral Reefs, Environmental Microbiology Reports, and Environmental Science and Pollution, Microbial Ecology, research paper selected for This Week in Microbiology popular science podcast filmed live, available here TWIM episode 208, publication highlighted in Science Daily,, and Georgia Tech’s Center for Microbial Dynamics and Infection
Funding: 2020 - Tomales Bay Watershed Council and the National Park Service, Project title: Using eDNA and aerial (drone) imagery to characterize coastal fish communities in response to health and extent of eelgrass, Zostera marina, Award dates: 6/1/2020 to 12/1/2021, Amount awarded: $1979
National Park Service Point Reyes National Seashore, Project title: Using environmental DNA and aerial imagery to characterize coastal fish biodiversity in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in Drakes Estero, Award dates: 6/1/2020 to 12/1/2021, $36,189.80
Work experience
University of California, Davis
Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Evolution and Ecology
2019 - current
- Investigate drivers of seagrass microbiome structure across the coastal Northeastern Pacific
- Develop in-house pipelines to characterize fishes from environmental DNA
- Use of bioinformatic tools to relate sequence data to environmental and biotic data from field surveys and remote sensing
- Mentorship and training of graduate students in bioinformatics and science reproducibility tools
Georgia Institute of Technology
Teasley Endowed Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Biology
- Conducted research on coral reef ecology within the French Polynesia Long Term Ecological Network (LTER)
- Mentored undergraduate and graduate students in field experimental design, data analysis, and visual presentation of scientific material
- Developed assays for rapid screening of coral antibacterial properties in response to warming, algal contact, and symbioses with fishes
Georgia Institute of Technology
PI: Mark Hay
Doctorate in Philosophy
Graduate Research Assistant
- Conduct field experiments in Fiji on coral reefs along a series of locally managed marine protected areas and adjacent fished areas
- Interact with local communities & environmental committees including education on coral reproductive biology, conservation issues, and scientific findings
- Perform DNA extractions, PCR, and sequencing on Illumina MiSeq Sequencer (in-house) as a tool to investigate the response of coral microbial communities in manipulative field experiments
- Use of Trim Galore!, FLASH, Unix and Perl, QIIME & QIIME2, Primer E, and R for sequence pipeline analysis and statistical analyses
- Develop bioassays to assess the defensive properties of coral mucus as a proxy for coral health
- Mentor students on research projects & scientific communication
- Teach students laboratory techniques in microbiology and molecular biology
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Marine Natural Products Discovery
PIs: William Fenical Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine (CMBB); Paul Jensen Professor at CMBB
Staff Research Associate Level II
- Conduct experiments to investigate the allelopathic interactions of microorganisms from marine invertebrates, plants, algae, and sediments
- Develop cultivation methods for the isolation of novel microbial taxa
- Use of molecular techniques such as DNA extraction and PCR to identify microorganisms
- Responsible for tissue culture (human eukaryotic cell line HCT-116) and performing cytotoxicity, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal bioassays to determine bioactivity of natural products
- Fermentation and extraction of samples for the isolation of natural products from marine organisms
- Manage marine microbial isolation lab including organization and training of students and employees, ordering supplies, and maintaining laboratory equipment
- Mentor undergraduate students in development of research projects & scientific communication
- Scientific planning and organization of collection trips
- Conduct fieldwork collecting samples such as plants, algae, invertebrates, and sediment
- Preparation of summaries and reports for multiple grants and collaborators (including presentation of material at meetings)
- Construct and manage Excel and File Maker Pro databases for recording bioactivity results, chemical analysis, collection information (GPS coordinates, habitat, sample type), processing methods, and strain isolation
Data analysis and programming:
R programming, QIIME for 16S gene analysis, FLASH, Trim Galore!, Python, git for version control, R markdown and github for open reproducible science
Field skills:
Coast Guard Certified Safe Boater, Scuba Certified, field experimentation on coral reefs and seagrass ecosystems, and benthic surveys
Laboratory skills:
Adept in sterile technique, microbial isolation, tissue culture, antibacterial, antifungal, & cytotoxicity bioassays, DNA extraction, PCR, operation of Illumina MiSeq Sequencer, EPMotion robotics
Choi EJ, Beatty DS, Paul LA, and Jensen, PR. (2013). "Mooreia alkaloidigena gen. nov., sp. nov. and Catalinimonas alkaloidigena gen. nov., sp. nov., alkaloid-producing marine bacteria in the proposed families Mooreiaceae fam. nov. and Catalimonadaceae fam. nov. in the phylum Bacteroidetes." International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 63, 1219-1228.
Jang KH, Nam SJ, Locke JB, Kauffman CA, Beatty DS, Paul LA, and Fenical W. (2013). "Anthracimycin, a potent anthrax antibiotic from a marine‐derived actinomycete." Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 52, 7822-7824.
Nam SJ, Choi EJ, Paul LA, Beatty DS,Kauffman CA, Jensen PR, and Fenical W. (2015). "Previously uncultured marine bacteria linked to novel alkaloid production." Chemistry and Biology. 22, 1270-1279.
Hay ME, Beatty DS, Stewart FJ (2017). "Chemical ecology: the language of microbiomes." National Academies of Sciences Proceedings Series.
Beatty DS, Clements CS, Stewart FJ, and Hay ME (2018). "Intergenerational effects of macroalgal reef dominance on coral: major declines in survival of coral larvae but subtle changes in microbiomes." Marine Ecology Progress Series 589, 97-114.
Beatty DS, Valayil JM, Clements CS, Ritchie KB, Stewart FJ, and Hay ME (2019). "Variable effects of local management on coral defenses against a thermally regulated bleaching pathogen." Science Advances doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay1048.
March 07, 2012
Talk at University of California San Diego, Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine Seminar Series, San Diego, California
February 29, 2016
Talk at Colleges of Sciences Dean's Symposium Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
March 17, 2016
Poster at Benthic Ecology Conference, Portland, Maine
June 20, 2016
Poster at International Coral Reef Society Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
March 27, 2017
Talk at International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups Fiji & the Solomon Islands NIH annual meeting, Atlanta, GA
April 21, 2017
Poster at Graduate Student Research Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
April 28, 2017
Talk at Symbiofest Conference at the Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA
November 18, 2017
Talk at Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Pasadena, CA
January 30, 2018
Poster at Suddath Symposium at Georgia Institute of Technology - The Chemical Ecology of Microbiome Interactions, Atlanta, GA
March 28, 2018
Talk at Benthic Ecology Conference, Corpus Christi, TX
October 17, 2018
Talk at School of Biology Seminar, Atlanta, GA
November 09, 2018
Talk at Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Tacoma, WA
March 01, 2019
Talk at Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography: Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 03, 2019
Poster at Ocean Visions Climate Summit, Atlanta, GA
November 01, 2019
Talk at Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Ensenada, Mexico
November 19, 2019
Talk at Center for Population Biology Seminar Series, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA