
Honors and activities

Dean’s List, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Northeastern University Achievement Award, Member of the Biology Club, ESOL tutor

Graduate school:
Presidential Scholar, Leadership Fellow, Grand Challenges Facilitator, REU student mentor and trip leader, Microbiome outreach event at Laurel Ridge Elementary School, Science fair judge at Tooman Elementary School, Honorable mention for NSFGRFP

Served on the review committee for the College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Fellowships, reviewer for Coral Reefs, Environmental Microbiology Reports, and Environmental Science and Pollution, Microbial Ecology, research paper selected for This Week in Microbiology popular science podcast filmed live, available here TWIM episode 208, publication highlighted in Science Daily,, and Georgia Tech’s Center for Microbial Dynamics and Infection

Funding: 2020 - Tomales Bay Watershed Council and the National Park Service, Project title: Using eDNA and aerial (drone) imagery to characterize coastal fish communities in response to health and extent of eelgrass, Zostera marina, Award dates: 6/1/2020 to 12/1/2021, Amount awarded: $1979

National Park Service Point Reyes National Seashore, Project title: Using environmental DNA and aerial imagery to characterize coastal fish biodiversity in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in Drakes Estero, Award dates: 6/1/2020 to 12/1/2021, $36,189.80

Work experience

University of California, Davis
Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Evolution and Ecology
2019 - current

Georgia Institute of Technology
Teasley Endowed Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Biology

Georgia Institute of Technology
PI: Mark Hay
Doctorate in Philosophy
Graduate Research Assistant

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Marine Natural Products Discovery
PIs: William Fenical Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine (CMBB); Paul Jensen Professor at CMBB
Staff Research Associate Level II


Data analysis and programming:
R programming, QIIME for 16S gene analysis, FLASH, Trim Galore!, Python, git for version control, R markdown and github for open reproducible science

Field skills:
Coast Guard Certified Safe Boater, Scuba Certified, field experimentation on coral reefs and seagrass ecosystems, and benthic surveys

Laboratory skills:
Adept in sterile technique, microbial isolation, tissue culture, antibacterial, antifungal, & cytotoxicity bioassays, DNA extraction, PCR, operation of Illumina MiSeq Sequencer, EPMotion robotics


